Ensuring the safety of our staff and customers is a priority at Clean That and during the Covid-19 pandemic we want to share best practices for your work place.
If a person infected with Coronavirus touches a surface they may leave the virus on that surface for 2-3 days. Therefore regular cleaning is required in addition to thorough deep cleaning procedures. For more information on deep cleaning services available please contacts us on 01536 738810.
Here’s some guidelines of how you can increase safety in the Coronavirus pandemic.
Reminders for Staff:
- Regularly wash your hands
- Try to avoid touching your face
- Use a tissue if you cough or sneeze, then bin it
- If you show symptoms of coronavirus, self-isolate.
Social Distancing:
- Reduce non-essential staff at your offices
- Reduce client visits where possible
- Any symptomatic staff should self isolate
Stay Clean:
- Ensure increased cleaning
- Increase frequency of touch point cleaning
- For suspected cases onsite arrange deep cleaning.
Stay Up to Date:
- Follow advice given relating to the coronavirus
- Provide regular updates to your staff
- Call Clean That with an questions you may have around coronavirus.