

June 2020

May 2020

Cleaning, Sanitising or Disinfecting.

2020-05-04T13:03:50+01:00May 4th, 2020|Advice, Corona Virus|

Choosing the right method for you; Cleaning, Sanitising or Disinfecting When it comes to keeping the workplace clean, it is important to know which products you should be using. Cleaning: The process of removing germs, dirt or impurities from surfaces or objects. Cleaning works by using a soap and water to physically remove germs from [...]

April 2020

Why Alcohol Free?

2020-05-01T12:20:51+01:00April 30th, 2020|Advice, Corona Virus|

As the Coronavirus that causes Covid-19 continues to spread globally, one of the recommended preventative measures include washing hands more frequently however we are seeing an increase in the effects of using alcohol based products up to (and often more than) 20 times a day! At Clean That we pride ourselves in providing effective cleaning [...]

Anti-Bacterial Dry Fogging

2020-05-01T09:21:06+01:00April 14th, 2020|Advice, Corona Virus|

ISM develop an Anti- Bacterial fogging and deep clean touch point hygiene process to reduce bacteria by 99.9% either as part of a confirmed Coronavirus case deep clean requirement or as part of ongoing hygiene services . A highly effective deep cleaning solution using Clean Thats Anti Bacterial fluid for warehouses, transport, offices and public [...]